Deep Rest Named Weedcon 2020 Best Tincture

In September of this year, Green Revolution was awarded first prize in the Best Overall Tincture category for our Deep Rest Avocado Oil Tincture at the WeedCon West, WeedCon Cup Competition in Malibu, CA. Green Revolution was approached by WeedCon Production during the early summer months to take part in the larger WeedCon West Event … Continued

Deep Rest Named Weedcon 2020 Best Tincture

In September of this year, Green Revolution was awarded first prize in the Best Overall Tincture category for our Deep Rest Avocado Oil Tincture at the WeedCon West, WeedCon Cup Competition in Malibu, CA. Green Revolution was approached by WeedCon Production during the early summer months to take part in the larger WeedCon West Event … Continued

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